According to Albert Einstein – Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.
To boost the imagination and take out the imagination of child, Colgate has come up with a novel concept. Four packs, having different sea animals and other characters, have been provided to children to imagine and weave a magical story.
When I gave all the four packs to my son, and told him that he had to imagine a magical story using all these characters shown on the packs. He quickly picked up a pair of scissors and started cutting all the pictures of sea animals and other things. I offered some help for cutting the pictures and he agreed to that.
Now the time for magical story started. He told me many stories using these characters. I would like to share his final magical story.
Blackbeard Bantu is a famous pirate. He is always in search of precious things under the sea. Sadie is her assistant. She is very intelligent. Sadie had a parrot Orio. She has trained Orio to speak like humans.
Sadie uses a powerful binocular to gauze the things faraway. They are in search of a treasure. Sadie advises Blackbeard first to sail near the castle from where they can get the map to reach the treasure.
On the way they saw a pod. A pod is a group of dolphins living together. Dolphins are very cute and friendly. There are many instances when dolphins saved the lives of humans into the sea. Orca or killer whale is the largest member of dolphin family. Sting ray is famous for its stings.
Oh Sir! Sadie told Mr Blackbeard, “What a wonderful sight under the sea.Water is crystal clear.”
Mr Blackbeard said to Sadie -” This is the Coral reef. Our boat is approaching it. Coral reefs are colonies built by different animals. Coral reefs form most diverse ecosystems of the earth. You will find Barracuda, Sea Horse, Sea turtles, lion fish and many other sea animals around it. You know Barracuda is a ray- finned fish. Its appearance is fearsome and its behavior is very furious. Lion fish are also dangerous.”
The boat was sailing in the sea and Sadie gathered a lot of information about sea animals from Mr Bantu, the Blackbeard.
Suddenly the parrot Orio started saying in human voice – “The castle has come … the castle has come… “
They stopped their boat and looking for the castle. Mr Blackbeard went under the sea. On the way he was surprised to see a mermaid, deep inside the sea. He was astonished to she that fantasy creature. Suddenly he saw a big shark coming. He quickly hid himself and let the shark cross the path. The Blackbeard was aware that sharks are very dangerous. He saw the splendid castle and was happy that he got his first target.
As he entered the castle, he saw many crabs were walking sideways. After few minutes he was successful to find the treasure map. Now he has to find the treasure.
According to map, he has to find the place of shipwreck. He started swimming towards the shipwreck. He kept a sword for safety purpose. On the way, he saw star fish and puffer fish. Star fish can re-grow their limbs. Puffer fish can inflate their body by filling water in stomach.
As the Blackbeard approached the treasure a sword fish came to stop him. But he was ready. He attacked sword fish with this small sword and thus the sword fish fled away. Now he was near the treasure. An octopus was taking care of the treasure. The Blackbeard played tactics for octopus. He started crying like a huge sea animal. Hearing this peculiar sound, the octopus fled and the Blackbeard got the treasure. He returned to his boat safely.
I would like to appreciate this initiative of Colgate, that gives a chance to kids to imagine and carve a magical story. How do you thismk about this magical story: Child Imagination Sea World Magical Story. You can check this link for more information:
Imagination is the power for the human being. Those you things you think in some time it comes into reality. Photography is doing the same thing. those you think can capture into the camera.