From my childhood to till date, I had a wish to understand the languages of birds, animals, insects, snakes, etc. Once I saw in my dream that a ray of light is coming towards my phone and now it has the power to understand the communications of any living things - plants or animals. I woke up … [Read more...]
Black is Beautiful: My Wish list
Black is Beautiful: My Wish list Black is beautiful. Black color is a color of elegance. It was the color of universe before God created light. So black color has its own importance. Many artists around the world use black to highlight his paintings. I would like to have the following 5 things of … [Read more...]
Zindagi : Jodey Dilon Ko Meet 2014
Zindagi : Jodey Dilon Ko Meet 2014 21 June 2014 : Saturday Venue: Hotel Taj Mahal, Delhi I was excited to attend this Indiblogger Meet. It was my fifth meet. The meet was organized at two places Mumbai and Delhi. The host at Mumbai was Anup and Nihal at Delhi. The agenda of the meet was to … [Read more...]