Mobiistar smartphone company ने 23 May 2018 को दुनिया के दूसरे सबसे बड़े बाजार यानी भारत में अपने दो स्मार्टफ़ोन को उतारा है. दिल्ली के पांच सितारा होटल हयात रिजेंसी में इन दोनों मॉडल्स को मीडिया के समक्ष पेश किया गया. इस लॉच के गवाह बने दिल्ली और आस-पास से आये कोई 200 ब्लॉगर्स. Mobiistar … [Read more...]
Enjoyed Zenfone Super Power Much
From my childhood to till date, I had a wish to understand the languages of birds, animals, insects, snakes, etc. Once I saw in my dream that a ray of light is coming towards my phone and now it has the power to understand the communications of any living things - plants or animals. I woke up … [Read more...]
Snap-point 4 Zee Zindagi and Indiblogger Meet 2014
Snap-point 4 Zee Zindagi and Indiblogger Meet 2014 This snap has been taken during Zindagi Jodey Dilon ko, a channel of ZEE which will telecast Pakisani TV serials in India. It was a great experience at Hotel Taj Mahal, Delhi. Snap-point 4: Zee Zindagi and Indiblogger Meet … [Read more...]
Snap point 3 Zindagi Indiblogger Meet
As I feel, it is very good to meet people of same field, talking about common problems. ऐसा ही एक मीत में भाग लेने का मौका मिला. अवसर था ज़िन्दगी चैनल के भारत में लांच का. यह एक बहुत ही अद्भुत फॉर्मेट था. Snap point 3 Zindagi Indiblogger Meet इस मीत में कई नए लोगों से मिला. अच्छी बातचीत हुई. खूब … [Read more...]
Snap-point 2 : Zindagi-Indiblogger Meet
Snap-point 2 : Zindagi-Indiblogger Meet Snap-point 2 : Zindagi-Indiblogger Meet / ब्लोगमीट का अपना महत्व होता है. वैसे भी Snap-point 2 : Zindagi-Indiblogger Meet अपने आप में बहुत खास था. क्योंकि एक साथ दो जगहों पर हो रहा था. दिल्ली और मुंबई. दिल्ली में होटल ताज मान सिंह में काफी अच्छे इंतजाम किये … [Read more...]
Snap point 1 Zindagi Indiblogger Meet
Zindagi Indiblogger Meet at Taj Mahal Hotel New Delhi Snap point 1 Zindagi Indiblogger Meet इस ब्लोगमीट में बहुत मजा आया. सबसे अच्छा तो वेन्यू का चुनाव था. होटल ताज मानसिंह में इसका आयोजन किया गया था. इंतजाम बहुत बढ़िया था. खाने पीने से लेकर उठाने बैठने तक और भी बहुत कुछ. Snap point 1 … [Read more...]
Zindagi : Jodey Dilon Ko Meet 2014
Zindagi : Jodey Dilon Ko Meet 2014 21 June 2014 : Saturday Venue: Hotel Taj Mahal, Delhi I was excited to attend this Indiblogger Meet. It was my fifth meet. The meet was organized at two places Mumbai and Delhi. The host at Mumbai was Anup and Nihal at Delhi. The agenda of the meet was to … [Read more...]
I Blog for My Pleasure
It was very difficult for me to find out the reason for my blogging. Honestly, might be many reasons as I think. Let me take you long back years when I was in school. I used to write poems, short stories, articles, etc. Some of these were published in school magazines, newspapers, etc. Then I wrote … [Read more...]