Every child is important for the growth of a nation. As they have to take the responsibility of nation’s development on their shoulders in the coming years. So, proper growth should be an important concern in the family and society. It is believed that first 1000 days are very important of a kid since the inception.

Picture Credit: www.etsy.com
A child’s early linear growth is important for all his/her later outcomes. There are many reasons that a child does not grow properly as his/her same size peers. Sometimes we see the child is stunting, i.e. lacking proper tallness. First let us understand the term ‘Catch Up On Growth.’
For some children to become of the same size as his or her full term friends (peers), to have same IQ as his or her full term peers, growth will have to faster than the normal. This is called Catch Up Growth. Most of the premature babies have catch up growth and picks up regular growth by two years of age. But few children do not land on the regular growth chart by three years of their age group. What is the reason for this delay?
Lack of proper nutrition
Proper nutrition is very important for a child’s proper mental and physical growth. The major cause of stunting (less height for age) in children is under-nutrition. It is also a key factor for child mortality and illness. When it comes to child’s learning and physical development, under-nutrition is very much associated with it. Under-nutrition in children is a major concern among third world countries. It impedes the development of the society. Whey protein and other micro- and macro nutrients are essential for right growth and proper weight of the children.
High or Low Appetite
Some children have increased metabolic rate and need more food than others. On the other hand, some children have poor appetite and even they need to be reminded to eat.
Other factors
There might be other factors like environmental factors, some chronic diseases that delay the proper growth of the children.
So, in my opinion, it is very important to catch up on lost growth of the children. It worries not only the parents or concerned family, but it also retards the overall human development index of a country.
What should be done?
In my opinion the first and foremost answer is “Not to worry”. It has solution. Researchers around the world advocate ‘Catch-Up-On-Lost-Growth’. It can be achieved; and proper physical and physiological growth of a child is possible in a given time frame.
First of all, consult a good doctor who can find the real cause of stunting and other disorders. Secondly, there are many products that can be used as food supplements for proper nutrition.
I would like to suggest one, i.e. Horlicks Growth Plus for your children. It is a specially designed product to catch-up-on lost growth. If your child is of 3-9 years’ age group and lagging behind in height and weight, go for Horlicks Growth Plus. This nutrition product contains high quality whey protein and other nutrients to catch up on lost growth. Use this product for six months and observe the growth. It is clinically proven product and prepared by International pediatric experts.
If you want more information about this, please visit https://growthplus.horlicks.in/.
In a nutshell, it is important for the children to catch up on lost growth as they are building blocks of the society. They have to be physically strong and psychologically sound, so that they can perform any task for the well-being for their parents, society, nation and mankind in near future. So, I must Say – “CatchUpOn Lost Growth Horlicks Growth Plus.”
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